Synopsis: Where does the favicon image be placed?

Solution or Procedure :

Creating a Favicon

1. Prepare the image to be saved as favicon.ico, favicon.gif, or favicon.png.

a. By cropping or adding space around the image, make the image square.
b. Resize the image to 16 x 16 pixels.
c. Save the file as favicon.ico, favicon.gif, or favicon.png.

2. Place the image on the Images folder under the Skin folder of your website. For example, if your website is using Skin_1, put it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Connected Business 15\CBE\Web\skins\Skin_1\images

3. Open the template.ascx inside your active skin folder and add the codes below:

<link rel="ICON" type="image/gif" href="skins/Skin_(!SKINID!)/Images/favicon.gif">


4. Save the changes.
5. Run the website and check.


Applicable Products:
Connected Business 13 and higher

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