This shows you how to upload product images on the webstore using Connected Business 13. It will allow you to easily upload hundreds or thousands of images in a single data import.   

Fill Out the Import Template

Fill up the necessary fields in the import template prior to importing data images to the webstore.

  1. Download the Import Template using the Import Manager. Go to the System Manager > Import Manager.
  2. On the Import Manager, key in “web” on the Search field.
  3. Click on the Item Web Option Image Description, then click on any of the file templates from the menu option. File templates are available in Excel, CSV, and XML formats.
  4. Save the Item Web Option Image Description Template on your local folder. The template should contain the following fields that must be filled out.

    App Config

    DescriptionLevel of Importance


    The system generated alphanumeric code of the website where you want to upload the product images.Required


    The system generated alphanumeric code of the items to be uploaded on the website.

    LanguageCodeThe default selling language used in every item. You can check the selling language used from the top right part of an item form. For example, if an item has several selling languages used, it is required that you also need to include them in the import file.Required


    The name of the physical image. Connected Business uses filing system to detect the files for every image sizes. Every image file folders must have the same filenames.

    The filename must include the name of the file and the extension of the image file format. We recommend that filenames should not contain blanks and other unsupported characters such as /, \, ;, ?, <. >.
    The supported file formats are: png, jpg, gif

    Ex: [filename].jpg
    SETitleIconThe title of the image when you hover the mouse on the icon size of the product image.Optional
    SEAltTextIconThe alternate description of the image when you hover the mouse on the icon size of the product image.Optional
    SETitleMediumThe title of the image when you hover the mouse on a medium size of the product image.Optional
    SEAltTextMediumThe alternate description when you hover the mouse on a medium size of the product image.Optional
    SETitleLargeThe title of the image when you hover the mouse on a large size of the product image.Optional
    SEAltTextLargeThe alternate description when you hover the mouse on a large size of the product image.Optional
  5. Save the file when you’re done with data entry.

Getting the Required Data from Connected Business

Item Codes, Language Codes, and Website codes are retrieved by showing them on the dashboard list through the data dictionary. You can then export the data as pdf, excel, or text file.

For the ItemCode,

  1. Go to System Manager Customize > Data Dictionary.
  2. On the Data Dictionary Window, click on Database Objects pane.
  3. Click on Views > System Views, then look for InventoryItemView.
  4. On the Columns tab, look for ItemCode. Check these column names under the Show on List column.
  5. Click Save and Close. Sign-out from Connected Business.
  6. Go to the eCommerce (or Inventory) module, click on Item > Find Item.
  7. Click Export, then select the options available on the dropdown list. You may want to use text, HTML, excel, or XML.

For the LanguageCode used for every item, you may get this through the Inventory module > Setup > Selling > Language. Print the form by clicking on the Print > Print Dialog.

On the Dialog window, select Print to File and make sure that the file type is excel (using pdf includes all other selling languages that are not active). Save the file on your local folder.

For the WebSiteCode, you may get this data from the eCommerce module > Tools > Webstore. The webstore code is indicated in the list.

Preparing the Image Files

The Connected Business eCommerce has product image folders that are grouped in different sizes. These are categorized into:

Image filenames must be unique per item. If there are duplicates in the image filenames and is mapped on an item, these files will affect other item codes in the import template.

Image Size


Dimensions (width x height)
(in pixel)


Product image size used when you click the items through their respective entities(category, department, manufacturer, and attributes)150 x 150


Product image size used when you want to open an item on the larger version of the product image.

500 x 500
MediumProduct image size used when viewing an item on the product detail page.250x 250


Product image size used when you want to display images instead of numbers when selecting different images for a specific item on the product detail page.

40 x 40
MinicartUsed in the Minicart section.50 x 30
SwatchUsed for matrix items with different attributes to select.Custom size
MobileUsed in mobile devices.79 x 101

  1. Check the Connected Business eCommerce folder. This is usually located on this path: 
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Connected Business 13\ISE\Web\images\product
  2. Resize images according to different size dimensions stated from the table. You can make use of third party image tools such as snag it which allows the batch converting of images. 

    The image files must be ready before importing them on the website. Check all filenames are correct and the same with the image filename.
  3. Copy the image files from your local folder and paste it to the corresponding Connected Business folder, according to image size.

Import Web Image Data to Connected Business

When all the image files are already transferred to their respective folders, you are now ready to import the web image data.

  1. Go to the System Manager > Import Manager.
  2. On the Import Manager, key in “web” on the Search field.
  3. Double click on the Item Web Option Image Description, then upload the Item Web Image Description file.
  4. On the Mapping field, select the newly imported template file on the dropdown list.
  5. Check all data are correct on the data view. You may refer to Import New Data for further details about the Import Manager.
  6. Click the Validate button if all the data are validated in the system. If all records do not contain any errors, you may now import the web image data.
  7. Click the Import button to transfer the image data to the Connected Business system. The summary window will retrieve the result of the import process including the records processed and the failed records for import.
  8. Check the webstore.

Applicable Products:

Connected Business 13 Versions

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