CuteLiveSupport works as another website with just another port number. To get LiveChat working as a virtual application of a website and to avoid getting a separate SSL certificate just for live chat, follow the steps below. Make sure to try it first on your Staging Environment.

In IIS (Internet Information Services) Manager

1. Create a self-signed certificate on IIS. There are also several articles on Google on how to do it. 

Go to your IIS > Click on the name of the server in the Connections > Double-click on Server Certificates

In the Actions column on the right, click on Create Self-Signed Certificate >  Enter any name and then click OK. 


2. Under your website or create a new website, map CBE to it. 


3. Set an SSL binding to the website. Click on Bindings >  Click on the Add.

Change the Type to https and then select the SSL certificate that is just installed > Click OK. The binding for the port will be automatically 443. Click Close.

4. Create a virtual application on the website and map it to your LiveChat web folder.  Click on your Web Site folder and select Add Application. The Add Application window will be displayed.


*For more information on this, go to Live Support

5. Make sure the main website and the LiveChat are using the same version of the .NET framework. Better yet use the same application pool of the main website to avoid problems. This is very important or else it will not work.

6. Open template.ascx and modify the URL of the LiveChat. Use the https URL instead of http. (Open the template.ascx file in the Skins folder used for your site.)

7. Open web.config file of the main website. Make sure to find all matches and modify the following areas:

Find the node:


see screenshot below:


Then modify it to look like this

<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">

see screenshot below:



Find another node:



see the screenshot below:



Then modify it to look like this:

      <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">

see screenshot below:




1. Go to eCommerce > Setup > Open application configurations form then set the following appconfig

  • UseSSL = true
  • LiveTransaction = true.
  • LiveServer = "" (meaning empty no value).



To make sure everything is working,

1. Create a new customer

2. Create a new order

3. Browse entities, product page, topics, search

4. View Receipt

5. Open the LiveChat Operator client app and try to perform a chat conversation from the website and operator.     


Applicable Versions

All Connected Business Versions

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