How can I get a USPS User ID?
1. Click on the link to register with USPS:
Note: You will receive an e-mail from the USPS ICCC (Internet Customer Care Center). The e-mail you receive will include the User ID/Password required for using the USPS API.
2. Request the USPS ICCC to switch your account to the USPS Production server. You can e-mail or call USPS ICCC at 1-800-344-7779 (7:00AM to 11:00PM ET)
3. When your account is successfully moved to the USPS Production server, you can start using the USPS API.
4. Test your USPS User ID to verify. To test, copy and paste the entire URL below into your browser address bar. Enter your user ID in ENTERYOURUSERID.<RateV3Request%20USERID="ENTERYOURUSERID"%20><Package%20ID="0"><Service>All</Service><ZipOrigination>90210</ZipOrigination><ZipDestination>97007</ZipDestination><Pounds>10</Pounds><Ounces>0</Ounces><Size>Regular</Size><Machinable>False</Machinable></Package></RateV3Request>
How can I set up an Endicia account?
- To set up a new Endicia account, click on this link:
- This screen will allow you to choose what type of account you wish to set-up depending on your volume and business needs and complete registration for your account.
Once you have completed setting up both accounts, you may request to email those information from the USPS Technical Project Manager or submit a ticket with your USPS User ID and Endicia account details.
Applicable Products:
Interprise Suite 6.0 and higher