
How to Create a Manual Credit Card Payment type to capture payment once authorization expires.



1. From the Banking Module > Setup > Payment >Payment Type. The Payment Type form will be displayed.

2. Click on the New button from the menu.

3. On the Details tab, specify the Payment Type (ex. ManualCreditCard), Payment Description (ex. ManualCreditCard), Payment Method (Credit Card), and the default Bank Account (should be the same bank account you used on your credit card payment type)

4. Add the Merchant Login by selecting the Manual dropdown list. The Credit Card Gateway will automatically be filled out. Save and Close

5. Go back to the Receipt that was allocated to the Sales Invoice. Then, change the Payment Type to the newly created payment type (ex. ManualCreditCard).

6. Supply the Payment Method Information (Credit Card No, Name on Card, Expiration Date, Credit Card Type, etc).

7. Capture the Payment. Save and Close.


Applicable Products

Connected Business 13 and higher

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