SKULabs electronically transmits the information for your package through the UPS Online Tools system. This system generates labels with the "package and bow-tie" meaning the labels are pre-scanned and pre-paid. Labels that are pre-scanned and pre-paid do not need to be scanned by the driver.
How can I verify my packages are pre-paid and pre-scanned?
Look for the "package and bow-tie" icon in the corner of the label.
What do I tell my UPS driver who is requesting/"requiring" this?
If your driver wants you to provide an End of Day form, or your UPS rep wants to review your PLD file, just let them know that SKULabs uses a Certified UPS Partner and sends this information directly to UPS using their API. An “End of Day” report is not required and UPS drivers do not need to scan each package. No modern UPS platform can generate an end-of-day report for such labels.
My driver/hub manager isn't budging.
Our UPS partner manager is eager to speak with any driver or manager who is ill-informed about "package and bow-tie" labels.
Can I generate my report from SKULabs?
At any point in time, you can generate an accurate list of all packages you shipped on a given day using your shipment exports and/or reports. Go to your shipments page to get started, then filter down to UPS.
What about Amazon Buy Shipping UPS labels?
UPS labels even through Amazon Buy Shipping do not require an end-of-day report because they are pre-scanned and pre-paid when generated through Amazon's BuyShipping API. This is indicated by the "package and bow tie" symbol in the bottom right of the label.