Synopsis: How to change the Website’s Default Skin to point to your skin folder.


  1. Copy and paste your skin folder in the Skins folder inside the Web folder. e.g. Web\skins
  2. Ensure the name of your skin folder is correct and follows the naming skin convention of our eCommerce. e.g. skin_1 =  for skin1, skin_2 = for skin2
  3. Log in to Connected Business Application.
  4. Go to eCommerce > Setup > Application Configuration. Search for the keyword DefaultSkinID and change the value to the skin # you want your website to use. e.g. 1 = skin_1 and 2 = skin_2

If you want to preview the skins and see how it looks, you can follow 1 and 2. Then, type the link of your website followed by the skinID.

For example:

  • To preview skin #1:
  • To preview skin #2:


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