Synopsis: How to change the Website’s Default Skin to point to your skin folder.
- Copy and paste your skin folder in the Skins folder inside the Web folder. e.g. Web\skins
- Ensure the name of your skin folder is correct and follows the naming skin convention of our eCommerce. e.g. skin_1 = for skin1, skin_2 = for skin2
- Log in to Connected Business Application.
- Go to eCommerce > Setup > Application Configuration. Search for the keyword DefaultSkinID and change the value to the skin # you want your website to use. e.g. 1 = skin_1 and 2 = skin_2
If you want to preview the skins and see how it looks, you can follow 1 and 2. Then, type the link of your website followed by the skinID.
For example:
- To preview skin #1:
- To preview skin #2:
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