PayPal Express Checkout Payment
In Connected Business, the PayPal option is included in the Payment Info page which works similarly to the Express Checkout button on the shopping cart page. In addition, the payment type is set to Credit Card to make use of the PayPal Credit Card Gateway
Set Up PayPal Credit Card Gateway
In previous versions, PayPal Express Checkout is shown only on the Shopping Sart page. In 6.0, the Paypal payment option is now included in the payment info page and the payment type is changed from Cash/Other Transaction to Credit Card to make use of the Paypal Credit Card gateway.
Your company database should be registered/licensed to be able to set up and use the PayPal Express Checkout.
To set up PayPal Express Gateway,
1. Create a merchant account through You can also create a test account through
2. Configure the details for the Paypal Credit Card gateway in the Connected Business application.
Go to Customer > Setup > Credit Card > Credit Card Gateway option. The list of credit card gateways will be displayed. (You can also access the credit card gateway form from Banking > Setup > Credit Card Gateway.)
Select the PayPal credit card gateway and click the Details tab. The gateway details for PayPal will be displayed.
Enter the details for the following:
Merchant Login: Your PayPal account API Username.
Merchant Password: Your PayPal account API Password
API Signature / API Certificate: You can use either one.
Allow Sale:
Test Mode: Check this option if you are running a test for the gateway, otherwise, uncheck.
3. Click Save and Close.
4. Set up the application configurations for the PayPal Credit Card Gateway.
5. Go to eCommerce > Setup > Application Configuration. The Application Configuration window will be displayed.
6. Search for the following PayPal application configurations and set the corresponding value in the Config field. Click Save and Close after entering the value in each app config form.
PayPalCheckout.ShowOnCartPage - True
PayPalCheckot.MerchantLogin - value is similar to the merchant login in PayPal Credit Card Gateway.
Use PayPal Express Checkout
You can use the PayPal Express checkout option either from the Shopping Cart page or the Payment Info page.
Use Paypal Express Checkout from the Shopping Cart Page
From the shopping cart page, click on the Check Out with PayPal button and you will be directed to the PayPal page.
From the Paypal login page, you will see the details of your order which include the item name, item price, quantity, and the order total in the "Your Order Summary" section of the page.
In the Login section, enter your Paypal Email and Password.
Once logged in, you will be directed to the Review Your Information page where the details for your shipping address and payment method are displayed. You can change your preferred shipping address and payment method by clicking the Change link in the shipping and payment method section respectively.
After reviewing the information, click Continue. You will be directed back to the webstore to select your preferred shipping method and place the order.
After placing the order, an SO will be generated for processing in the Connected Business backend.
Use Paypal Express Checkout from the Payment Info Page
From the Shopping Cart page, click the Checkout Now button and you will be directed to the Shipping Options page. Select your preferred shipping method and afterward, you will be directed to the Payment Info page.
Select "Paypal - The safer, easier way to pay" payment method and click the Continue Checkout button. You will be directed to the Paypal page.
From the PayPal page, you will see the details of your order which include the item name, item price, quantity, shipping rate, and the order total in the "Your Order Summary" section of the page.
In the Login section, enter your Paypal Email and Password.
Once logged in, you will be directed to the Review Your Information page where the details for your shipping address and payment method are displayed. You can change your preferred shipping address and payment method by clicking the Change link in the shipping and payment method section respectively.
After reviewing the information, click Continue. You will be directed back to the webstore order confirmation page to place the order.
After placing the order, an SO will be generated for processing in the Connected Business backend.
Override PayPal Address
If you want to override the shipping address stored in your PayPal account and use the address in your webstore account, follow the steps below.
Go to eCommerce module > Setup and select the Application Configuration option. The Application Configuration form will be displayed.
Search for the PayPalCheckout.OverrideAddress config and set the config value to True.
Click Save and Close to apply changes.
Place an order using PayPal Express Checkout. In your PayPal account,> Review My Information page, notice that the Change link beside the Shipping address has disappeared and the default address indicated is the same as the shipping address in your webstore account. A note will also be displayed indicating that the entered shipping address is different from the PayPal preferred shipping address. You can tick the Use as preferred shipping address checkbox if you want to make the currently selected address your PayPal preferred shipping address.
Click the Continue button to be directed back to the webstore and place your order.
Process Web Orders Paid Through PayPal Express
This section demonstrates the general workflow of processing web orders (paid through PayPal Express) in the Connected Business backend.
- Upon placing the order, the customer can check the order status in the Order Status/ History section of the Customer Profile page.
- Orders made in the webstore are treated as regular SO in the Connected Business backend. To find the SO, go to Customer module >Order > Find Order.
- Once the SO is generated, generate and print the shipping labels for the SO. To do this, go to the Shipping module > From SO and select the SO for the web order. The Shipment form will be displayed.
- Click Get Label (F12) to generate the labels. You can also opt to print the labels once generated.
- In generating the shipping labels, make sure that the carrier accounts are set up correctly.
- Upon generating the labels, click Complete Shipment. Click Yes to complete the shipment.
- Completing the shipment automatically converts the SO to Invoice. Click Yes in the message prompt to view the invoice.
- Capture the payment for the invoice. Go to Enter Payment > View Payment and the Payment form will be displayed.
- The total amount for the order is indicated in the Amount Paid field. Click the Capture button and select Yes in the prompt message to capture the payment
- Once the payment is captured, the balance of the customer will be zeroed out and the invoice can now be posted. Click Save and Close to close the Payment form.
- Upon capturing the payment, the payment status of the order on the website will also be updated from AUTH to CAPTURED.
- To complete the order, post the invoice by clicking Save and Post.
Once the customer checks the order status online, it will be indicated that the payment is completed and the order has been shipped. The customer can click on the tracking number to view the shipment status from the carrier’s website.
Applicable Products
Connected Business 13 and higher