
This fix only applies if a user has created custom reports in CBv13.0.0.117. The custom reports may not be upgraded properly to CBv13.1.0.38.



When the user has created a custom report on CB v13.0.0.117 and then upgraded to CB v13.1.0.38, the custom data of the ReportLayout table will be deleted. Upon upgrade, the DBMC (Database Management Console) clears the custom reports data stored on the ReportLayout table.



  • Patch Name: Report Generic Fix
  • Product Name: Connected Business Report Center
  • Patch Version:
  • Affected Version: Connected Business v13.0.0.117 was upgraded to Connected Business v13.1.0.38 and Connected Business v13.1.0.38


Generic Fix Description:       

1. Restore the custom report layout missing upon upgrade.

2. This would also fix the error when upgrading from to This would only benefit the user if he decided to re-upgrade from to again.


Manual Install Instructions:



Prerequisites:  In the Installed folder of your Connected Business, backup the following DLL files:

a. Interprise.Facade.Utility.dll

b. Interprise.Facade.Utility.InitialScript.dll


B. How to apply the DLL patch

1. Copy all DLL files that were extracted in step 1, paste them into the installed folder of Connected Business, and choose Copy and Replace.


B. Script

A. Prerequisites:

1. Make sure to backup your database before executing the script so you can restore it when needed.

2. Download the attached Upgrading Custom ReportLayout.sql

3. Before executing the script, you must have the following prepared:

a. The patch script requires that your and v13.1.0.38 databases must be on the same SQL Server where you would execute the script.  The patch script requires the older v13.0.0.117 as its source for transferring the missing custom report layout to the v13.1.0.38 database

b. Open the script into any SQL script editor (notepad, SQL server).  Replace the following texts:



When replacing the text, the database name must be enclosed in square brackets.

1. Replace all instances of [SOURCEDATABASE] with the v13.0.0.117 database name. This is the database before the upgrade. *There is only 1 instance of [SOURCEDATABASE] in the script

2. Replace all instances of [TARGETDATABASE] with the v13.1.0.38 customer database name. This is the upgraded database with missing or errored custom reports. *There are 2 instances of [TARGETDATABASE] in the script


B. Execute the "Upgrading Custom ReportLayout.sql" script to your database to restore missing custom report layouts.


1. Make sure you point to your right database or select the correct database name from the drop-down in the header tab.

 2. To run the attached script, Click the Execute button from the menu or press F5 button on your keyboard


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Connected Business

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