
'API Authorization failure. User XXXXXXXXXXX is not authorized to use API DeliveryConfirmationV3' in Generating USPS Label

Synopsis: ‘API Authorization failure. User XXXXXXXXXXX is not authorized to use API...

'Default Carrier not found. It’s either the default carrier is not specified correctly or the carrier plugin is not yet registered'

Synopsis: The system will not open the Shipment Form for a Sales Order and will prompt an error...

Calculate Freight for Items or Include All items in the Freight Quote

To include all items (including out-of-stock items) in the Freight Quote: Change the value in...

FAQ: How To Convert All Existing Customers to Commercial

1. You may go to the SQL Management Studio and select the desired database. 2. Back up the...

FAQ: Shipping Notification Email Does Not Contain an Email Address in 'In To' Field

Synopsis: After completing the shipment, when you click on Send Email in the Shipment Form, the...

Generating Endicia Label Prompted: Error: [1001] Missing or invalid data element: InsuredValue

Synopsis: When generating the Endicia Shipping label, an error message will pop up : [1001]...

Generating Endicia Label Prompted: Error: [1001]Missing or invalid data element: FromPhone

Synopsis:  Generating Endicia Shipping Label returned this error: [1001]Missing or invalid data...

How can I generate an end of day / manifest for UPS?

SKULabs electronically transmits the information for your package through the UPS Online...

How to Assign Multiple Shipping Label Printer for One Shipping Carrier

In instances where you have several shipping workstations that have their scale as well as their...

How to Show Manual Carrier to a New Warehouse Location

1. Go to Shipping Module > Setup > Carrier Plugin 2. Double-click or open the Manual...

How to generate FedEx Track API Key and Secret Key

How to generate Track API Credentials Starting October 2023 FedEx is now forcing to create...

How to obtain Your FedEx API Key and API Secret Key

Step-by-step guides on how to obtain your FedEx API Key and API Secret Key Important Reminders:...

How to obtain Your UPS Client ID and Client Secret

Step-by-step guides on how to obtain your UPS Client ID and Client Secret Reminders: You can...

Printing Shipping Label For 4x6 Thermal Printer

Use the Shipment Label Z4M Plus Report Template if you want to print in a 4x6 Printer. This...

Set Up Shipping Methods for Real-Time Shipping

SynopsisReal-Time Shipping is the charging of actual shipping cost from the shipping carrier to...

Set a Default Printer for Shipping Label Printing

1. Go to Shipping > Setup > Carrier Plugin > Select your Carrier e.g. Select the...

UPS Error in Generating Shipping Label "System error: This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution..."

Synopsis:  When generating a shipping label for UPS, there is an error message "System error:...

UPS and FedEx Shipping Patch for CBE Website

Steps in applying patches for UPS and FedEx Shipping in your Connected Business Ecommerce...

UPS and FedEx Shipping Patch to support OAuth security model

UPS and FedEx have implemented an OAuth security model for all APIs to enhance the overall...

UPS cannot print label. HTTP protocol error 302 Moved Temporarily

Synopsis: Cannot generate a shipping label for UPS, An error will prompt: HTTP protocol error...

USPS Error Unable to validate Ship To address. Dial-A-Zip error: Address not found. Error encountered (Log ID: 34654)

How Do I Fix The Errors That Show Up During Label Creation? 1. While creating shipping labels in...

USPS and Endicia International Shipment is Not Supported in Connected Business

Synopsis: Generating labels for International Shipments using USPS and Endicia is not supported...

Void-Do Not Mail Shows in the Print Out after Generating Shipment Label

Synopsis:  When tried to print a successful USPS Shipment Label, "Void-Do Not Mail" shows in the...

What are the Supported Weighing Scales for Getting the Package Weight in Shipping

Synopsis What are the currently supported weighing scales in Connected Business for getting the...

What is 'Missing or invalid data element: MailpieceShape' Error Means?

Synopsis: Generating shipping label returned  [1001] Missing or invalid data element:...

What is 'Whitespace is Not Allowed at This Location' Error Means?

Symptoms:  When generating a Shipping Label for USPS, the "Whitespace is not allowed at this...

‘(HardError: [111057] This measurement system is not valid for the selected country..)’ Displays in Shipping Method Page

Symptoms: The indicated error message will be displayed in selecting Shipping Methods on the...

“12507 The Certified Intermediary Pass Phrase is Incorrect. Error encountered. (Log ID: 48792)” When Tried to Generate a Live Label For Endicia

Synopsis: “12507 The Certified Intermediary pass phrase is Incorrect. Error encountered. (Log...

“HardError:[120412] UPS account number that was provided as Freight Collect billing method cannot be the same as the Shipper Number.” Prompts When Generating Shipping Labels

Synopsis: "HardError:[120412] UPS account number that was provided as Freight Collect billing...