Synopsis: "Invalid D: drive" Error During Installation



Use the subst command to reassociate the drive letter with a temporary location. This DOS utility allows users to connect and disconnect a drive letter to a virtual drive location. Connecting the drive letter with a temporary location allows the installer to locate that path. Verify the temp folder exists before redirecting the drive to that location. Create it if it does not exist.

  1. Click Start > Run
  2. Type cmd and click ok.
  3. Type subst [Driver Letter]: C:\temp and press Enter.
  4. Type exit and press Enter.
  5. Attempt to install Acrobat.
  6. Click Start > Run.
  7. Type cmd and click ok.
  8. Type subst /D [Driver Letter]: and press Enter. Note: This will remove the temporary association that was created previously.
  9. Type exit and press Enter.


Applicable Products:

Connected Business 13 and up

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